Saturday, February 09, 2008

It’s Not Over Until the Lap Dance Begins

As I mention in my book, Every Single Girl’s Guide to Her Future Husband’s Last Divorce, when my husband officially finished paying child support, I was so excited I gave him a lap dance and a bottle of champagne.

While I certainly don’t begrudge my stepchildren from receiving financial support from their father, it was a huge component of our budget that I was glad to be done with.

If your guy has kids from his previous relationship(s), child support is probably a hot issue in your house as well. But if your guy told you he doesn’t have to pay child support anymore, I’m here to tell you that it’s not over until it’s over.

How did I know my hubby signed his last support check? Because he finally got his ex to sign a Satisfaction of Judgment. This document carves in stone that he has satisfied his child support obligation, and is no longer required to make payments. Done. Over. Finished. And recorded in the county recorders office for all eternity.

Unless you have a Satisfaction of Judgment from Child Support Service or your ex in your hot little hands, you can’t be sure that your guy won’t have to pay out more…and more….and possibly even more child support, even 20 years later. In fact, even if his ex wife states emphatically that he has made all of his payments, the state can still come after him for more money, due to computer errors or other factors.

If you’ve stood by your guy for years while he dutifully sent his monthly child support check in, you too may be inspired to give him a special treat when it’s all over. But table that celebration until he gets that Satisfaction of Judgment signed and recorded. Once he has it, let the lap dance begin!

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